Kiss of Death

Kiss of Death: The Place for the Murderously Inclined Romantic
What great romance doesn’t have suspense in it? Whether a spy thriller in Regency times, a paranormal romance with a revenge-seeking zombie, or a traditional serial killer after the heroine, romance relies on suspense, leading the reader through the trials of the heroine and hero to see if they will get their happily ever after ending.
December 1 is Kiss of Death day. Yeah, that's how cool romantic suspense is as a genre, it gets its own day. To celebrate, we're trying to make #romanticsuspense a trending topic on Twitter today. Help us by sharing why you love romantic suspense using the #romanticsuspense hashtag.
If you can call your writing suspenseful, then the Kiss of Death chapter of the Romance Writers of America has something for you!
“I love so many things about KOD! I'm going with a tie: CLUES-N-NEWS because you can ask the weirdest questions and get the best answers, and Lethal Ladies because they helped me grow as a writer and find good friends.” - Mina Khan
Formed in 1994, KOD—as we call our chapter—promotes and supports the writing and reading of suspense and mystery fiction with strong romantic elements. We’re one of the largest RWA chapters with members from across the globe who join our online family of mayhem-loving writers. Joining gives you access to a wide array of programs to help your writing develop and grow.
“KOD has been a lifeline when it comes to death-related questions. It's a safe place to discuss the macabre, run plots by experts, and find support among fellow suspense writers. They know where to hide the bodies and cover their tracks! (And if you can make it, the tours at the RWA National conference are informative and lots of fun.)” - Anne Marie Becker
Top among membership benefits is our College of Felony and Intrigue (COFFIN) online workshops for only $15 per class for KOD members. In addition, KOD offers online networking, a critique group, brainstorming support and a book-in-a-week challenge to help you to get that draft on paper. We support our members with an active Facebook group and Twitter feed giving you access to the information you need, whenever you need it.
“I love being a part of a group that gets mystery and suspense. Not everyone does. I also love reading what people have to say on the loop. I’ve learned so much from KOD.” - Linsey Lanier
Nothing says romantic suspense like RWA’s Kiss of Death chapter. Nothing says I’m a romantic suspense author like being a KOD member. Join us today during our annual membership drive. As an added bonus all new members or renewing members who join in December will be entered to win a first chapter critique from published Kiss of Death members.
To join Kiss of Death, visit us online at for easy PayPal or traditional payment options. For the joining fee of $35 ($30 for renewal), you’ll love us to death!
What great romance doesn’t have suspense in it? Whether a spy thriller in Regency times, a paranormal romance with a revenge-seeking zombie, or a traditional serial killer after the heroine, romance relies on suspense, leading the reader through the trials of the heroine and hero to see if they will get their happily ever after ending.
December 1 is Kiss of Death day. Yeah, that's how cool romantic suspense is as a genre, it gets its own day. To celebrate, we're trying to make #romanticsuspense a trending topic on Twitter today. Help us by sharing why you love romantic suspense using the #romanticsuspense hashtag.
If you can call your writing suspenseful, then the Kiss of Death chapter of the Romance Writers of America has something for you!
“I love so many things about KOD! I'm going with a tie: CLUES-N-NEWS because you can ask the weirdest questions and get the best answers, and Lethal Ladies because they helped me grow as a writer and find good friends.” - Mina Khan
Formed in 1994, KOD—as we call our chapter—promotes and supports the writing and reading of suspense and mystery fiction with strong romantic elements. We’re one of the largest RWA chapters with members from across the globe who join our online family of mayhem-loving writers. Joining gives you access to a wide array of programs to help your writing develop and grow.
“KOD has been a lifeline when it comes to death-related questions. It's a safe place to discuss the macabre, run plots by experts, and find support among fellow suspense writers. They know where to hide the bodies and cover their tracks! (And if you can make it, the tours at the RWA National conference are informative and lots of fun.)” - Anne Marie Becker
Top among membership benefits is our College of Felony and Intrigue (COFFIN) online workshops for only $15 per class for KOD members. In addition, KOD offers online networking, a critique group, brainstorming support and a book-in-a-week challenge to help you to get that draft on paper. We support our members with an active Facebook group and Twitter feed giving you access to the information you need, whenever you need it.
“I love being a part of a group that gets mystery and suspense. Not everyone does. I also love reading what people have to say on the loop. I’ve learned so much from KOD.” - Linsey Lanier
Nothing says romantic suspense like RWA’s Kiss of Death chapter. Nothing says I’m a romantic suspense author like being a KOD member. Join us today during our annual membership drive. As an added bonus all new members or renewing members who join in December will be entered to win a first chapter critique from published Kiss of Death members.
To join Kiss of Death, visit us online at for easy PayPal or traditional payment options. For the joining fee of $35 ($30 for renewal), you’ll love us to death!